Obtain your archived data and contents at any time
With Tessi DATA CONTENT, you will be able to manage large volumes of information with a single architecture and virtually infinite storage capacity.
Obtain your archived data and contents at any time from your own business application or from our dedicated interface. Our technological know-how guarantees the security of confidential data within our extremely secure and highly available hosting infrastructures.
Guarantee the integrity of all your documents with our electronic archival system with probative value that complies with ISO 14641-1 and NF Z 42-020 standards and provides secure access to data.
Take up Big Data’s challenges in information management with our data analytics capabilities to build and power your predictive analytics tools !
- A totally scalable storage capacity of several petabytes
- Manages and archives your structured and unstructured contents
- A compliant archiving system with probative value
- Meets GDPR requirements and supports confidential data
- Our platform encrypts all your private data for enhanced security
- Secure hosting at our ISO 9001 and ISO 27001-certified Tier III+ data centres
- Enjoy scalable storage and 100% available contents
- Your data is hosted and secured within a digital vault
- Electronic archiving with probative value with Tessi Data CONTENT
- Centralised, open management of your archives