Market challenges
Financial institutions, real estate agents, mortgage servicers and legal firms face a growing number of challenges such as digitalisation, increased mobility and new competitors (e.g. crowdfunding platforms, startups). As these new competitors enter the market, the level of competition for traditional institutions increases, forcing them to adapt quickly to the new market demands. In order to tackle these new challenges Legal Back Office processes with a direct impact on the client experience must be managed efficiently. Standardise your processes and optimise your operations so that your staff can concentrate on tasks with high added value for the company.
Our legal back office solution
Standardise your processes and optimise your operations
Save time !
Through powers of attorney we manage legal monitoring and report on your legal operations. Free your teams from tedious tasks such as complaint management and legal formalities. Incorporating these tasks into the back office boosts synergies within the company. Discover the security of a simple and personalised solution based on your day-to-day needs.
Optimise your resources and enjoy the latest technology-based solutions! We manage the organisation’s legal supervisory services (monitoring legal counsel, coordinating and assisting with evictions, etc.), preparing documentation for lodging claims (small claims, foreclosures, insolvency proceedings), handling official notices and repossessions, confirming powers of attorney and probate, always implementing the latest solutions to automate processes (RPA, text mining, data analytics, chat bot).
Discover the security of a simple and personalised solution based on your needs.
Solutions's strengths and benefits
- Reengineering and process automation for legal Back Office
- Teams managed by lawyers with extensive experience in legal proceedings
- We pool resources and staff to guarantee greater flexibility in accordance with activity peaks
- We have specific experience in financial transactions, particularly in judicial matters, payment methods and mortgages.
- We provide ongoing training to our staff on the new market challenges
- We sign Service-Level Agreements (SLA) according to the different services to ensure the optimal legal monitoring of our services.
- Vos processus juridiques back-office sont repensés et automatisés
- Nos équipes sont dirigées par des avocats disposant d’une vaste expérience en matière de procédures judiciaires
- Nous mettons en commun ressources et équipement pour garantir une plus grande flexibilité selon les pics d’activité
- Nous avons une expérience particulière dans les transactions financières, notamment en matière de processus judiciaires, de moyens de paiement, et de crédit hypothécaire
- Nos équipes bénéficient d’une formation continue aux nouveaux défis du marché
- Nous signons un engagement de qualité en fonction des différents services pour assurer le meilleur suivi juridique de nos services.