E-declaration portal: Market challenges
The requirement to file your taxes, VAT, and social security returns and payments electronically now applies to the vast majority of businesses. With Tessi’s ASPONE services, you will save money and time. Discover the leading private e-declaration portal for businesses, business management associations, accountants, and third-party filers.
Our solution: E-filing portal
Take another step towards zero paper
With the Tessi ASPONE portal, you have a one-stop shop for all of your tax and social security returns (EDI-TDFC, EDI-TVA, EDI-PAIEMENT and EDI-REQUETE).
Very easy to use and secure !
All you have to do is register directly online to file your social security and tax returns, meeting your legal obligations in a few clicks. Our SaaS XML-Edi translator makes it easy to implement e-filing in third party software solutions and send your XML files instead of standardised EDI files!
Not only do you gain flexibility, but you will also save money and take another step towards zero paper with our NF 461-certified archival solution for probative value, providing secure data storage and unlimited access to your documents.
The solution's strengths and benefits
- The Tessi ASPONE e-filing portal is the leading e-declaration portal for all of your tax and social security returns (EDI-TDFC, EDI-TVA, EDI-PAIEMENT and EDI-REQUETE)
- NF 461-certified digital storage for your documents with probative value
- Our support services answer all your questions
- Your procedures are simple and compliant
- Increase productivity with digitisation
- Improve cashflow with e-payments
- Enjoy additional time for certain declarations
- Optimise your e-declaration management with a single system