Market challenges
When you need to reduce your data storage costs while improving security, electronic document archival is a necessity. As an expert in document digitisation, Tessi offers a complete solution certified in accordance with the latest European regulations. Our electronic archiving solution ensures that your digital copies retain probative value so that you can get rid of paper documents. In an environment where data security and processing are central, we digitise and store your documents in total compliance !
Our electronic archiving solution
Switch to zero paper with confidence
With Certified Suite by Tessi solutions, you can archive your electronic documents easily in compliance with current regulations.
As a specialist third-party archiver, Tessi offers the guarantees you need to make sure your documents are traceable, unaltered and permanent from their capture until their electronic archival with probative value.
With the NF 461-certified Tessi Certified solutions, you can trust that all your data is compliant.
As SaaS or on a private cloud, Tessi Certified archival solutions are highly available on our certified secure European data centres.
Des solutions pour déployer un environnement digitalisé, agile et accessible centré sur l’amélioration de l’expérience usagers.
The solution's strengths and benefits
- Certified Suite by Tessi, a complete process to digitise and archive reliable electronic copies with probative value.
- Certified eSafe by Tessi, an electronic archive available as SaaS to securely store all your digital documents regardless of their source.
- Easy-to-use archival solutions so you can quickly centralise all your documents.
- The NF 461 certification guarantees their compliance with archival standards of probative value (ISO 14641, AFNOR NFZ42-013).
- Your data hosting is TIER III-secure and ISO-9001 and ISO 27001-certified
- Divide your document archival costs by 3
- Guarantee the integrity, durability and probative value of archived electronic documents.
- Switch to zero paper with confidence