Accessibility Declaration

Tessi undertakes to make its website (hereinafter the “Website”) accessible pursuant to Article 47 of French Law No. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005.
For this purpose, it is implementing the following strategy and actions:

  • The 2022-2024 Multi-annual Accessibility Plan and the 2022 Action Plan are currently being drafted and shall be published in the near future.

This Accessibility Declaration applies to:

Compliance Report

Tessi: does not comply with the French General guidelines for improving accessibility (Référentiel Général d’Amélioration de l’Accessibilité—RGAA), version 4.1 due to the non-compliances and derogations listed below.

Test results

The Compliance Audit conducted by Avencod reveals that:

  • 46.48% of the criteria of RGAA version 4.1 are met
  • The Website’s average rate of compliance amounts to 71.58%

Inaccessible content


  • The Captcha methods used in all of the sample do not offer a textual alternative, the “alt” needs to be completed.
  • Decorative images with non-empty text alternatives.
  • Some texts and interface components are not sufficiently contrasted with the background colour.
  • There are no titles on the links to social media.
  • The components managed by scripts are not compatible with assistance technologies.
  • Some links are not explained.
  • Tags are used for presentation purposes.
  • The changes of language on the pages are not indicated in the code.
  • There are several errors in the source code generated.
  • The breadcrumb trail on the pages is not implemented as a list.
  • the tab index is not visible on all the components.
  • The pages from the sample do not contain the “main” content tag.
  • Presentation attributes are included in the source code, for example the “size” attributes on form fields.
  • Some content disappears or is only partially visible when the size of the characters is in-creased.
  • Additional content, such as sub-menus for browsing are not accessible using the keyboard or controlled by the user.
  • The forms on the pages in the sample are not labelled.
  • Form fields need to be grouped together.
  • Suggestions to facilitate the correction of inputting errors, regarding the form fields corresponding to the user’s email and telephone number, must be implemented.
  • The error messages for form fields are not correctly connected to the respective fields.
  • Over all of the pages in the sample, the invisible content on the screen is delivered before the navigation bar of the theme, which makes the tab order inconsistent.
  • The areas regrouping pages do not have any Landmark type attributes.
  • The focus is not trapped in the modal windows of the sample.
  • The pages do not have an avoidance link or fast access to the main area.
  • Moving content that does not any mechanism to pause the content.

The Website offers a range of inaccessible content that, for different reasons cannot be recovered and corrected.

The Facil’iti solution has been implemented as an alternative: contact form.

Drafting of this Accessibility Declaration

This declaration was drafted on 16/11/2021.

Technologies used to create Tessi:

  • HTML5
  • CSS

Test environment

The content rendering verifications were carried out based on the combinations provided by the RGAA 4.1 reference base, with the following versions:

  • Firefox 94.0.1 and NVDA 2021.2

Tools to assess the accessibility

  • WCAG Contrast checker _ V 3.5.6
  • Axe (Mozzilla extension) _ V 4.18.2
  • HeadingsMap _ V 3.10.1
  • Web developer_2.0.5
  • Stylus_1.5.21
  • Assistant RGAA_1.2.0

Pages of the website that were subject to the compliance verification

  1. Home page:
  2. Solutions hub:
  3. Solutions type page:
  4. Business lines/markets type page:
  5. Discover Tessi:
  6. CSR:
  7. Locations:
  8. PDF:
  9. Corporate Governance:
  10. Career space:
  11. Job offers:
  12. News stories:
  13. News:
  14. Agenda/list of events:
  15. Events:
  16. Contact us:
  17. Legal notices:

Feedback and contact

If you are unable to access a piece of content or a service, you can contact the Website Manager to be guided to an accessible alternative or obtain the content in another format.

Means for appeal

This procedure can be used in the following case.
If you have reported to the Website manager an accessibility issue that prevents you from accessing content or one of the services on the portal and you have not received a satisfactory response.