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    logo manifeste femmesSince the end of 2021, Tessi has committed itself alongside more than 150 other companies, by signing the NUMEUM Manifesto for the inclusion and retraining of women in the digital professions.

    Women are not sufficiently encouraged to enter the digital professions for systemic, cultural and historical reasons that perpetuate stereotypical representations of the professions.

    Aware of the equality and competitiveness issues involved in access for working women to digital professions, Tessi, in signing this manifesto, has made various commitments, including that of proving that the company is a provider of employment for women in the digital sector.

    Women in the digital sector in France and at Tessi

    The reality on the ground in France

    Women represent only 27,5% of digital jobs despite numerous initiatives to change this figure over the last ten years.

    The reality on the ground in France

    63% of the world’s workforce are women.

    Women represent 64% of total hires.

    And 58% permanent hires are also women

    Portraits of women

    To accompany this commitment, Tessi wishes to highlight these « remarkable women », who occupy positions where women are still not very well represented, but also those who have made a transition to these future professions, which are still in high demand today.

    On the occasion of Digital Women’s Day, April 17, Tessi is taking advantage of this month to present you with these portraits of women who work in France and abroad, such as in Switzerland or Spain, for the success of the company and its development.

    They are System Engineers, Project Managers, Technical and Consulting Managers for Information Systems Security or Development Engineers.

    What they have in common is their passion for their job, their tenacity and their sense of challenge.

    Here are a few testimonies that show that in the tech industry, it is possible to go beyond clichés and gender stereotypes.

    Women in Tech at Tessi

    Kompetenz, Innovation:
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    • Les femmes dans le numérique