7E42CFC0-58CA-4426-BC01-B88A817CAA43 Created with sketchtool. Registrieren 9-month 2021 turnover: €348.6m

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    7E42CFC0-58CA-4426-BC01-B88A817CAA43 Created with sketchtool. Webinaire

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    €m 2021 20201 Change Change
    H1 turnover 234.9 199.9 +17.5% +16.3%
    Q3 turnover 113.6 102.0 +11.5% +10.1%
    H1 total 348.6 301.9 +15.5% +14.2%

    1 2020 data excludes the Spanish businesses sold in January 2021 (see 8 January 2021 press release).
    2 Calculated by including turnover generated by Proformation in 2020 before its consolidation in the Group from Q1 2021 (see 9 March 2021 press release).
    Tessi, a global provider of Business Process Services, posted consolidated turnover for the first 9 months of 2021 of €348.6 million.
    On a proforma basis2, turnover was up +14.2%, bolstered by thriving business and a favourable comparison with the previous year, particularly in the second quarter, due to the impact of lockdown from mid-March 2020 onwards.

    Public buyout offer open until 10 November 2021

    The public buyout offer launched by Pixel Holding on Tessi shares at a price of €168.60 per share (net of the €3.40 exceptional dividend paid 28 June 2021) has been open since 28 October and will close on 10 November 2021 after close of trading. For full information on this transaction see: tessi.eu.

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